Natural Acne Treatments

Learn how to treat acne naturally! These 5 natural acne treatments are ways to keep your skin clear, blemish-free & make your skin look bright and glowing!

Let's face it… most of us deal with acne at some time in our life. Whether it has to do with our hormones, or we're going through a stressful time at work or maybe we just had too much sugar and our system is wigging out a little bit, acne is natural.


It's a confidence sucker, it's something we feel ashamed about and we're constantly trying to cover it up with makeup. I get it because I do the exact same thing.

Natural Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Pimples Overnight Fast!

I'm currently dealing with some skin issues that have been on and off for the last year or so. I'll go from having totally clear skin to breakouts and I haven't been able to really identify the underlying issue. One thing I have done though? Come up with ways to naturally treat my pimples. And today I want to share my favorites with you.

If you searched how to treat acne naturally, I'm sure there are millions of results. And I want to caveat this post by saying this is what has worked for 

So what I suggest you do is test them out and see how it goes. Don't try all 5 at once – never too many changes for your skin at once – but start with just one and slowly see how your skin responds!

How To Remove Pimples Naturally And Permanently?

Double cleansing is a method of washing your face that has become popular in recent years. And it's just as it sounds: cleansing your face twice! The reason why double cleansing is beneficial is because many times one cleanse just isn't getting your face fully clean. With a single cleanse you can be leaving bacteria, dead skin cells, dirt and grime that can end up clogging your pores and causing acne.

Double cleansing is super simple. You can either start with an oil-based cleanser, which I like to do, or you can just use your same cleanser twice.

For the second cleanse, I like to do something a little more gentle. I've been loving washing my face with raw honey (see below!), but will flip flop that with my favorite gentle milk cleanser. Loma Lux Acne Pill

My second tip goes along with the first and that is to start washing/cleansing your face with raw honey. Why is it beneficial to cleanse with raw honey? Because raw honey has some pretty amazing benefits for the skin.

How to wash your face with honey is as easy as it sounds. Splash your face with warm water, then use about 1 tablespoon of raw honey and use it on your face like you would a traditional cleanser. Rinse with warm water and pat your face dry with a warm towel.

I swear this is a game changer. It leaves my skin feeling absolutely amazing and has 100% helped with my acne. I love it!

Natural Acne Remedies: 11 Effective Home Treatments: Part One

We've talked about the benefits of exfoliating before and I truly believe it's one of the best ways to treat and prevent acne. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells from the surface of your skin which, if not removed, can lead to a build of bacteria, can clog your pores and can ultimately cause acne.

However, it's also important to not over do it. If you have pretty bad acne (or sensitive skin), limit your exfoliation to just once per week. I recommend sticking with fruit enzyme peels since they're effective but also mild. Rather than using a scrub which can actually damage the skin, enzyme peels “eat away at” or break down the dead skin. And then when you wash if off, your face feels like new again!


I have two favorite natural spot treatments: my honey clay mask and tea tree oil. Both are amazing at drying out pimples and can be used overnight. I find they help reduce redness, reduce the inflammation and help the pimple go away more quickly.

Natural Remedies For Treating Back Acne

You can use these treatments just as you would any other normal spot treatment. After you've completed your facial routine, simply pop a drop or two of either treatment on the pimples and leave it overnight!

Now, this natural acne treatment might seem a little out there, but it's been a game changer for my skin (and acne). I first discovered high-frequency wands when I got a facial and I asked my esthetician if it was something I could use at home. She said you could buy them on Amazon, so I picked one up!

And you know what? It really works. I don't use mine every single day, and I use it only on problem areas, but it definitely helps to speed up the healing process.

Manuka Biotics Natural Acne Treatments That Really Work

Here's how they work. The wand emits a high frequency that comes in contact with your skin kills bacteria on and underneath. It also helps to tighten and reduce the look of wrinkles and fine lines. And finally, it helps with inflammation. All things we're looking to achieve.

And best of all, they're not a big investment! The high-frequency wand I have is under $40 and works just as well as the one at the spa.


We'd love to hear your thoughts! Let us know some of your favorite natural acne treatments down in the comments. The more the better in my opinion – I love learning from you!Acne is perhaps one of the most common skin problems that everyone suffers from, at some point or the other in their lives. The number of creams, lotions and other skincare products available for the treatment of acne is countless but, it’s really hard to figure out what works and doesn’t work to combat those pesky pimples.

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So, instead of spending time and money on the items that may or may not work for you, let’s take a look at some of the time-tested, all-natural home remedies for acne that are sure to give you the desired results of healthy, clear and glowing skin.

Apple cider vinegar is the new hero on the beauty scene, that too for a good reason. It is used for a vast variety of healthy and beauty purposes but, it is proved to be remarkably effective for treating acne. All you need is a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and an equal amount of water. Mix the two liquids together and apply it onto the affected area. Let it sit over the zits for about 5-10 minutes before washing it off with plain water.

Tea tree oil has been touted as a sure-fire remedy for acne for a long time now. The antibacterial properties of tea tree oil make it an effective treatment for acne. It helps to reduce excess sebum on the skin, removes the layers of dead skin cells that trap dirt and oil, and unclogs the pores as well.

Diy Acne Spot Treatments

Fuller’s earth or multani mitti has been an age old home remedy for the oily or acne-prone skin. Its deep cleansing and detoxifying properties make it the ideal treatment for acne-prone skin. Yoghurt, on the other hand, has cooling and healing properties, and it makes for a great face mask base for those with oily skin. Mix in a little bit of yoghurt with fuller’s earth and apply as a face mask as an effective acne treatment.

Baking soda is known for its excellent skin care benefits, especially when it comes to acne. It helps to dry out the zits and detoxifies and unclogs the pores. Oatmeal exfoliates and soothes the skin. Honey, with its antibacterial and deeply moisturising properties, is an ideal addition to a DIY face mask with baking soda and oatmeal.


Don’t have the time to whip up and apply a face mask? Take an ice cube and gently hold it against the affected area or zit for a couple of minutes. It will immediately reduce the inflammation and redness and, you will notice that your pimple has subsided significantly.

The Best Cystic Acne Treatments In 2023, According To Dermatologists

A simple mixture of lemon juice with rose water is ideal for treating acne. Lemon juice has skin clarifying and deep cleansing properties. It has a generous dose of Vitamin C that helps to rejuvenate and brighten the skin. Rose water soothes, nourishes and reduces the inflammation caused by acne. The two ingredients make a wonderful combination and treat the acne well.

The antibacterial and healing properties of garlic cloves have been known since ancient times. Peel the garlic and separate the clove. Crush the cloves using a pestle and mortar to release the goodness of the garlic. Apply the garlic paste to the affected area to disinfect the region and subside the inflammation.Our skin is a reflection of our overall health, which is why glowing, beautiful skin often results from proper care, hydration and eating a nutrient-dense diet. On the other hand, skin ridden with whiteheads, blackheads, nodular acne and other types of pimples can indicate oxidative damage, poor nutrition and hormonal imbalances — making it all the more important to find home remedies for acne.

A healthy diet, applying essential oils, proper gentle cleansing and balancing hormones are all home remedies for acne so you can

Top 12 Home Remedies For Acne