Acne Cameron Diaz

La actriz contó que durante años luchó contra el acné que le producía la mala alimentación y el descuido que hizo de su cuerpo.

A los 41 años, Cameron Diaz puede decir que sigue siendo una de las mujeres más bellas y admiradas de Hollywood, pero durante buena parte de su juventud, la actriz sufrió las consecuencias de la mala alimentación y el descuido que hizo de su cuerpo.


“Uno puede pensar que mi vida es totalmente glamorosa, pero yo solía tener un acné horrible, profundo, lleno de fístulas y doloroso. No quería salir de mi casa, aunque mis amigos me decían que no se notaba, para mí era lo único que se veía”, dice. “Era una chica flaquita, que podía comer cualquier cosa sin subir de peso, entonces lo hacía”, cuenta la rubia y agrega: “si uno es lo que come, yo sería un taco rrelleno con porotos, salsa, queso extra y sin cebollas”.

Cameron Diaz And Acne Trouble

Cameron explica que por ese entonces no se daba cuenta de la relación entre su piel mortificada y la comida grasosa en la que basaba su dieta. “Cuando corté con la comida chatarra, vi una diferencia enorme y me sentí una idiota. No sólo desapareció mi acné, sino que me dio mucha más energía. Me di cuenta de que nuestros cuerpos son estas máquinas asombrosas, creadas para hacernos bien cuando las tratamos bien. Podía escuchar a mi cuerpo pidiéndome vegetales o agua, tenía más energía y era algo que no había sentido antes. No podía creer que había estado ahogando mi naturaleza durante tanto tiempo. Dejé de enfocarme en cómo se veía mi cara para mirar todas las cosas asombrosas que mi cuerpo es capaz de hacer”, dice la actriz.

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Vía ResistenciaGanas de seguir estudiando y un llamado a la solidaridad: Maxi, el pequeño de Chaco no vidente, necesita otra máquina de brailleAcne is a very common skin condition that affects everyone at some stage in their life, even celebrities, and some of us are worse affected than others. Cameron Diaz talked about her battle with acne “…I always felt really bad about myself” your self-esteem and can make people feel really down about themselves. Conventional medical management is antibacterial or antibiotics and quite often long courses of antibiotics, which is not ideal and can result in side effects and antibiotic resistance.

Acne can come in many different forms – cystic (sore lumps under the skin), pustular (yellow heads), whiteheads (pimples), blackheads (dark spots) etc but they all result from a build-up of old skin cells inside the skin and the overproduction of sebum (oil). Inside the skin the oil and cells block pores and this is where a bacteria called P.acnes bacteria. The infected spots enlarge, can become red and fill with pus.

There is no cure for acne, and antibiotics are not the answer. In order to reduce and curb acne, you have to work hard to get your skin the function better. Clearing away the dead skin cells by exfoliating is one important step. Lots of people with acne may not like the idea of this at first, as they know that spots can come to the surface. However, once you have been exfoliating and using the right combination of products you won’t feel like this for long!

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Lastly, the use of salicylic acid can help reduce the amount of bacterial infection. This is found in most ZO health products for use in acne clearing.


It is really easy to get lazy with our skin, fall asleep with make up on and forget to exfoliate. All this has to change if you want the best skin you ever had!

To treat acne effectively, the first step is to make cleaning, exfoliating and toning your skin as important as brushing your teeth. You need to get into the habit of a skin ritual every morning and every night.

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The Complexion Clearing program is Dr Zein Obagi’s ZO Skin Health kit for acne. It is designed to work on cleaning the skin, helping to exfoliate and clear away debris stuck in the pores of the skin. The system helps to remove the P.acnes bacteria and restore a healthy barrier function and re-setting the normal healthy skin function.

The Kit comes with everything you need for a daily skin routine as well as a sulfur masque. This sulfur masque can be used twice a week – and really helps to treat flare-ups. Once your acne is under control, the sulfur masque can be applied directly to spots and left on overnight.


“The acne kit has been amazing, My skin in recent years has been heartbreaking 💔. Adult acne has hit me hard, after almost 30 years of barely any spots. I have tried all sorts of potions, 6 months of antibiotics and prescribed creams, but nothing seemed to work. I decided it was time to try something different.”

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“Dr Emma Sloan and Chantelle at @ have changed my life. I am not exaggerating. This is the difference IN JUST 2 WEEKS using @zoskinhealth 😍 I’m so excited to move onto the next chapter of my skin journey. Thank you, ladies, you da best”

Later on, in the treatment program, we would consider adding in a retinol, which can not only improve the texture of the skin but also rapidly cycle the skin to renew it and help with controlling sebum production, but also scarring from old flare-ups of acne.

There are other great products including Acne Control a high concentrate of salicylic acid and also on the spot treatment for cysts. A medicated and tinted concealer is also a healthy alternative to standard concealer.


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These products need to be prescribed alongside Dr Emma Sloan’s or one of the other Clinic doctor’s supervision. Some of the stronger active ingredients are prescription only.

You can book an online consultation via the following link . Currently, we are posting out products or delivering them free of charge!