Acne Cyst Treatment

Cystic acne is known as the most severe form of acne. It is that red, swollen, and painful pimple that sticks around on your skin for a long time. This leaves an acne scar the longer it stays because of the inflammation and deep lesions developing underneath the skin. An acne scar treatment will most likely be needed to get rid of it completely.

All types of acne and pimples are caused by dead skin cells, oil, and bacteria plugged into the pores. If you notice your pimple swelling, there’s a high chance that an acne cyst has developed. The only difference of this acne from the other superficial types is that it traps the cyst deep under the pores which cause swelling and redness.


This type of acne causes visible scarring because of its depth and inflammation. This is formed when bacteria gets trapped in the pores and triggers an infection deep into the skin. It appears to be a red and tender bump filled with pus.

The Best Cystic Acne Treatments In 2023, According To Dermatologists

Cystic acne is considered as the most severe kind of acne.It comes with pain that is impossible to ignore. This happens because there is no opening to release the pent-up bacteria and oil which causes pain and discomfort. A severe condition as this requires acne treatment to get rid of it effectively and safely.

For women, it’s usually the hormonal shifts that happen during their monthly period, which causes the glands to produce excess oil. This causes the oil glands to be filled with sebum that leads to breakouts.

High levels of androgen and testosterone are also linked to causing breakouts. This causes high activity of the sebaceous glands which leads to overproduction of sebum. There’s a higher chance of pores getting clogged, leading to severe acne.

Everything You Need To Know About Cystic Acne Treatment

Acne tends to run in the genes. If one of your parents suffered from a severe acne breakout, it is possible you might get it, too. A family line with the genetic tendency to overproduce sebum leads to oily skin which results in more breakouts.

There’s also a chance your diet may be one of the causes. Some foods can trigger inflammation on the skin and speed up the formation of a cyst. High-glycemic foods and dairy are amongst the culprit linked to causing acne. Astudyassociated skim milk to triggering acne growth.

It is that painful, hard cyst on your chin that won’t seem to come to a head, stay on your face and continue to bug you. The longer it stays, the higher the chance it will develop into a stubborn acne scar.

Totally Derma For Acne Treatment

Pimples growing on the chin are usually related to hormones, especially in women. Hormonal imbalance and shifts can disrupt the body’s healthy functioning and cause acne flare-ups. Acne growth on the chin may fluctuate during monthly periods. Also, an increase in androgens and testosterone in women are the main reasons why they’re prone to pimples growing on the chin.

Hormones are what stimulate oil production. Too much sebum triggers the growth of bacteria which then gets trapped in the pores. Cystic acne breakouts typically happen underneath the skin and the bacteria in there.

Creams and ointments containing benzoyl peroxide, retinoids or antibiotics target excess sebum, bacteria, and clogged pores – all in which causes the development of severe acne. This topical acne treatment can reduce oil on your skin, kill bacteria, and unclog pores.

How To Treat Cystic Acne In 2022, According To Dermatologists

For more stubborn cases of acne on your chin, help from a dermatologist is required. Laser therapy is a useful acne treatment in Singapore because it reduces the number of acne-causing bacteria on the skin and reduces inflammation.

Acne on the cheek is usually caused by oil and dirt buildup that clogs the pores over time. The dirt and debris that encourages bacteria growth on the cheek come from the environment. These may be on your pillowcases, dirty smartphones, and habits of touching your face with dirty hands. Environmental pollution is one of the skin’s worst enemies. Dirt, oil, and bacteria make a perfect formula for causing acne. These can all find its way deep into your pores which then leads to an acne cyst.


Making a habit of changing your sheets and pillowcases regularly can help lessen acne on your cheeks as they can be a breeding ground for bacteria. Overnight, your oils and dead skin cells transfer to your sheets and trigger bacteria growth. This bacteria then transfer back to your skin the next night which leads to pimples. This becomes damaging to the skin in the long term. If the bacteria makes its way deep into the pores, this may lead to severe acne.

How To Shrink A Cystic Pimple In 4 Steps

For severe acne on the cheeks, a facial treatment that contains cleansing, exfoliation, peeling, and infusion is a sure way to soothe the skin and reduce any inflammation. This acne treatment helps minimize pores and reduce oil on the face.

Sebaceous glands are what produce the oil on our skin and hair. The acne is formed when a sebaceous gland in the skin’s surface is blocked, and the oil is unable to pass through it. The excessive sebum, dead skin cells, and bacteria block the glands which cause inflammation, leading to the development of acne. This shows up on the forehead as a soft red bump and is pus-filled. It is usually painful as it does not come with a head to release the pus.

First things first, don’t ever try popping your acne as it will spread the infection and increase the likelihood of an acne scar to develop. Use a cleanser that has salicylic acid to get rid of the dead cells and dry out the pimple. Followed by a facial moisturizer, preferably oil-free. You can finish it off with an acne spot treatment containing Benzoyl peroxide to reduce the inflammation.

How To Get Rid Of Cystic Acne

Facial washes and creams may just be enough to keep your skin’s surface clean. An oral antibiotic may be prescribed by doctors to keep the inflammation at bay and kill the pent-up of bacteria deep inside the pores, which causes the pain and acne scar. This medication is an effective acne treatment in Singapore that targets trapped bacteria. Note that this should be strictly used with the guidance of a doctor since it comes with side-effects.

If you’re suffering from this condition, there are a number of effective treatment for cystic acne in Singapore. Just be sure to have yourself consulted first by a trusted skin specialist to ensure you get the right acne treatment for your condition.


These medications are effective but also have side-effects. As such, these oral treatments should be used under the proper guidance of your doctor.

What Are Cysts And How Are They Treated?

With 3 sessions of AGNES, you can expect up to 80-90% reduction of acne. One of the most effective treatment for cystic acne in Singapore.

Cystic acne is strongly linked to hormones; an estimated 85 percent of the time it hits around hormone-heavy puberty and tends to stick around until your 20s. But it is not uncommon to see women and men in their 40s who have cystic acne, even for the first time.

In fact, a growing number of women in their 30s, 40s and 50s are getting acne, according to the American Academy of Dermatologists. In women, hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy can trigger cystic acne later in life.

What Is Cystic Acne — And How Do You Treat It?

PCOS, a hormonal imbalance where the body makes more testosterone-like hormones behind cystic acne, is another common cause. Even menopause rarely causes cystic acne due to hormonal fluctuations. Hormonal-linked acne usually appears around the jawline and the mouth, he adds.

After graduating from the National University of Singapore, Dr Boey’s journey in aesthetics brought him to esteemed institutions such as Harvard Medical School, American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine and Queen Mary University of London in diverse cities like Seoul, London, Boston and New York.People with cystic acne develop pus-filled acne cysts (pimples) deep under the skin. The acne cysts are often painful and can be large. A dermatologist should treat cystic acne to reduce the risk of scarring and infection. Antibiotics and prescription-strength topical (skin) creams can help clear up your skin.


Cystic acne is a type of inflammatory acne that causes painful, pus-filled pimples to form deep under the skin. Acne occurs when oil and dead skin cells clog skin pores.

Cystic Acne Removal Treatment

With cystic acne, bacteria also gets into the pores, causing swelling or inflammation. Cystic acne is the most severe type of acne. Acne cysts are often painful and more likely to cause scarring.

Nodular acne and cystic acne are very similar. Both cause deep, painful bumps under the skin. And both can scar. Differences include:

Pores in the skin can clog with excess oil and dead skin cells, causing pimples. Bacteria can enter the skin pores and get trapped along with the oil and skin cells. The skin reaction causes swelling deep in the skin’s middle layer (the dermis). This infected, red, swollen lump is an acne cyst.

Cystic Acne Explained: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments

A cystic acne breakout may cover a large area of skin. Cystic acne tends to appear on the face, which has a lot of oil glands. But you can also get acne cysts on your:

Acne cysts can be difficult to treat. Because they can
