Hydrocortisone Acne

Contrary to popular belief, acne isn’t just for teenagers and young adults! A quarter of all women and over 10% of all men will experience acne in their 40s — and with acne could come embarrassing acne scars.

In your quest for a viable solution, you may have heard of hydrocortisone, an ingredient making noise in the dermatology world. But does hydrocortisone help acne scars? Read on to find out!


Hydrocortisone is a steroid — but don’t let that word scare you! It’s added as an ingredient in topical ointments to treat a variety of skin problems, including:

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In addition to itching, these skin conditions may cause swelling and even physical pain, a product of inflammation. Hydrocortisone works by calming down your skin’s inflammatory response.

Hydrocortisone ointments and creams are available either over-the-counter or through a prescription, the difference being the concentration of hydrocortisone. Over-the-counter products have concentrations from 0.1% to 1%, and prescription hydrocortisone cream can have a concentration of up to 2.5%.

Given all the positive effects of hydrocortisone cream, it makes sense to ask, “Does hydrocortisone help acne scars? Does it help acne at all?”

Qc Maximum Strength Hydrocortisone Cream (cortaid) (28g)

The answer depends on the type of acne you’re experiencing. When you think of an acne breakout, you probably picture red skin and tiny pustules, which are actually clogged pores. Inflammation is the root cause of these common acne complications. Even a small amount of hydrocortisone cream can reduce this inflammation, making pimples appear less red and less swollen.

Hydrocortisone cream is also an effective cosmetic fix for cystic acne. Cystic acne is different from a typical breakout, as it results in large, hard nodules deep in your skin. They are often painful and appear as swollen lumps — a classic case of inflammation, meaning hydrocortisone cream can offer some much-needed relief. It’s not a long-term fix for cystic acne, but it can definitely reduce the symptoms.

This simple cosmetic fix can keep you from picking at your skin or trying to pop pimples, leading to less scarring. This applies tenfold for cystic acne. If you attempt to break open cystic acne, it’s almost guaranteed to leave a nasty scar. The inflammation is deep under your skin, so even if you successfully “pop” the cystic acne, it’ll leave a painful, severe wound.

Emergency Pimple Care

Using other treatment methods in tandem with hydrocortisone may help you achieve better results. For example, one study paired hydrocortisone with the ingredient benzoyl peroxide, which is effective at fighting acne breakouts but can be harsh on your skin. Adding hydrocortisone helped ease the harsh side effects of benzoyl peroxide, resulting in fewer breakouts with less irritation.

Whenever you use a new product on your skin, always be aware of potential unwanted side effects. If you’ve never used a hydrocortisone-based product before, it’s possible to have an allergic reaction, either to the hydrocortisone itself or another active ingredient in the cream. Even if you’re not allergic, the product may be too harsh on your skin. This is especially true if you start applying it every day or multiple times a day without giving your skin time to acclimate.

If you experience any of these side effects, cut back on how often you use hydrocortisone. Your skin may need to acclimate at a slower pace. Stop using the hydrocortisone product if the side effects persist, interfere with activities of your everyday life, or cause worsening pain, and contact your doctor immediately.

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This simple process can significantly reduce the inflammation of active breakouts. Unless otherwise directed by your doctor, avoid using hydrocortisone products on your skin more than twice per day.

The truth is no skin care treatment has simple answers or universal results. It’s all about trial and error until you find a routine that works for you. If over-the-counter products don't work, you may see more success with a prescription product, or you may need to try another active ingredient altogether.


If your skin is overly sensitive, common active ingredients may be too harsh. In this case, consider an alternate treatment option like blue light therapy. This option has virtually no unwanted side effects — and that’s good news for acne sufferers everywhere!Hydrocortisone has been used for years to heal pesky pimples, but it doesn’t get as much buzz as other trendier skin care treatments. We’ll take a look at the different forms of hydrocortisone, as well as how exactly it is used to treat acne.

Using Hydrocortisone Cream On Acne?

Hydrocortisone is a steroid that treats inflammation in the body. It reduces redness, itchiness, and the overall discomfort that accompanies skin conditions.

So, exactly what is hydrocortisone used for? It has a lot of purposes, but most commonly it is used to treat allergic reactions and minimize inflammation from skin injuries. Of course, we are here to discuss one issue: acne. When it comes to pimples, as you might’ve guessed, hydrocortisone cream is used to reduce the swelling, redness, and discomfort associated with stubborn blemishes.

Topical hydrocortisone creams are often used for acne, but there are also cortisone shots, which are injected at the site of the active pimple. These are both corticosteroids – forms of steroid hormones. First, let’s talk about hydrocortisone cream.

How To Safely Use Hydrocortisone Cream For Acne: Dosage And Precautions.

A topical hydrocortisone cream is applied directly to an active pimple, where it reduces the overall inflammation of the blemish. Creams are available through a prescription (for potent formulas with a strength of hydrocortisone at 2.5%), as well as over-the-counter at a drugstore.

If you’re dealing with smaller blackheads or whiteheads, hydrocortisone cream unfortunately isn’t going to do much for you. Rather, it is best suited for cystic and nodular acne (AKA those tender spots that form deep underneath the skin). When applied to these types of blemishes, the cream works to reduce the appearance and discomfort that comes with these pesky pimples – which means you’ll be in the fast lane to healthier (and less painful) skin.


If you’ve experienced painful cystic or nodular acne, this cream might sound like a miracle worker. Not to be the bearer of bad news, but there are some drawbacks. The topical comes with potential side effects, so it isn’t recommended for regular use. Common side effects include thinning skin, skin lightening, dryness, and irritation. It may even cause acne, particularly when used over an extended period of time. This is because hydrocortisone can break down the thin tissue in the follicles. This weakening may trigger a secretion of sebum, which can clog pores – and lead to more acne.

Does Hydrocortisone Cream Help Cystic Acne?

Another important note: hydrocortisone cream doesn’t actually treat acne, because it doesn’t have the ability to kill acne-causing bacteria. If you’re trying to figure out how to get rid of cystic acne or nodular acne, you’ll need a treatment that actually gets to the root of the problem.

That being said, it does provide temporary relief. Hydrocortisone cream is great for the occasional larger and more bothersome blemish that needs some extra care and attention – but you shouldn’t start using it as your go-to acne treatment for all pimples.

A cortisone shot is injected right at the site of the active pimple, and is administered by a medical professional. It’s powerful stuff: this shot has the impressive ability to dramatically reduce a pimple within 48 to 72 hours. Like with a hydrocortisone cream, it is best used to reduce inflammation in cystic and nodular acne – don’t bring out these big guns for smaller blemishes.

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We’ll state the obvious concern: the thought of putting a needle into a pimple isn’t exactly appealing. Don’t worry – these shots are typically administered after applying a numbing cream.

Compared to hydrocortisone cream, cortisone shots are often more effective, since they get deeper in the skin at the root of the problem. However, as you might expect, they aren’t as cheap as hydrocortisone cream. Out-of-pocket, a single cortisone shot will typically be in the $50 to $100 range (whereas you can find a 2 ounce drugstore hydrocortisone cream for under $10, or a 1 ounce prescription cream for around $15 out-of-pocket).


You shouldn’t lean on cortisone shots as your regular treatment for acne. There are side effects associated with these shots, such as dry and thinning skin, skin depressions at the site of injection, and scarring.

Can Topical Hydrocortisone Help With Acne?

Given the side effects – and the fact that it takes time and a pretty penny to get these shots – it is best to turn to a cortisone shot in an emergency situation. If a cyst pops up before an important day (like your wedding, for example), or if you’re dealing with a persistent cyst that won’t back down, a cortisone shot might be a good option.

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Heads up, redeeming points for a discount reward is non-reversible. Discount codes cannot be applied to carts with other discounts or promotions.Hydrocortisone is a synthetic form of the hormone cortisol. It can help treat inflammatory skin conditions, such as insect bites, rashes, and eczema.

Hydrocortisone Cream 1% Tube 1 Oz

In this article, we examine the