Laser Acne

AviClear is an FDA-approved laser that treats mild to severe acne by targeting the source of the oily substance on your skin without the use of topical or oral acne medications. This is a unique laser technology because of the wavelength it uses, which selectively targets the oil glands (sebaceous glands) in the skin. The Dermatology Institute of Boston is the first clinic in the Northeast to offer this acne laser treatment.

The laser improves your acne over the course of three monthly treatments, each of which is about 30 minutes in duration. It is safe for all skin types and tones and there is very minimal downtime after treatment.


During your appointment, one of our board-certified dermatologists and experienced providers will cleanse your skin before applying the laser directly to the acne-affected areas. You may feel a slight warming sensation as the laser works to target the oil glands.

Acne Scar Treatment In Toronto

After treatment, patients can expect to see a reduction in acne breakouts as well as an improvement in the overall appearance of their skin. For best results, we recommend a series of three treatments spaced approximately one month apart as optimal results are usually seen after the completion of the full series.

Mild symptoms such as inflammation and redness may occur, but fade over just a few minutes. Your acne may flare for a few days after treatment. You may still continue to use any prescription acne medications simultaneously. Although results are not guaranteed, 90% of patients reported being happy with the results in clinical studies.

The pricing for this acne treatment varies based on the individual needs of the patient. Please note insurance does not cover this acne laser treatment.

Laser Therapy For Atrophic Acne Scars: A Case And Evidence Based Updates

Everyone is excellent at this practice. I have received acne treatment and have been so happy with my results! I tried the new Aviclear laser which has completely changed my skin for the better. Dr. Al-Haseni and his team took the time to listen to me and make sure I was happy with my results. I cannot recommend this practice enough. – Patient

If you are interested in learning more about AviClear acne laser treatment or would like to schedule a consultation, we suggest consulting with a board-certified dermatologist near you to see if AviClear is right for you.

At our Boston office, we offer the latest in acne treatments and can help you find the best solution for your individual skin type and needs.  Schedule a consultation today to get started on your acne-free journey!

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A laser treatment suitable for mild to severe acne, AviClear focuses on reducing existing acne while minimizing the potential for breakouts. It targets and heats the skin, specifically the sebaceous glands, and it helps to suppress the production of sebum.

Excess sebum can cause all kinds of skin complications, especially on the face. It can eventually clog your pores, leading to varying levels of acne. Moreover, bacteria will feed on excess sebum, and this is what causes inflammation in the pores, leading to acne. Overall, AviClear aims to reduce these happenings while improving the quality of your skin in the long run.

The AviClear laser also comes with a cooling function to help protect your skin and sebaceous glands. It’s an excellent treatment for any skin type, and the best results come from multiple treatments. Although each person’s skin is different, three monthly treatments have proven to deliver stellar results for most patients.

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You generally start seeing results a few weeks after the third treatment. Each session only lasts about 30-45 minutes. After these initial treatments, many patients have reported a substantial improvement in the quality of their skin for up to two years later.

Of course, results will likely vary for each patient, but there’s no doubt the treatment is more effective than many traditional techniques for managing acne. There’s also a lot of data still being collected on how well AviClear works for different individuals. Nevertheless, it has received an extremely positive response from a majority of those who sought out the treatment.


It takes a little patience for results to shine through, and it’s also important to keep up with your skin care regimen for the results to work as they should. AviClear is a great option for those who struggle with acne who do not want to take oral medications, or for those who have failed traditional acne treatments.

Acne Laser Treatment Scottsdale

The acne laser treatment doesn’t offer lifelong permanent results. Many medical professionals consider it to be semi-permanent, as results can last for a few years before a follow-up session is needed. To get the most out of your results, it’s imperative that you keep up with a proper skin care routine as recommended by your dermatologist.

How long results last will inherently differ between each patient, but many people are satisfied with the longevity of their results. It isn’t a procedure you have to keep coming back for every few months.

How the treatment is performed will heavily rely on the current condition of your skin and the type of results you’re hoping to achieve. Although there are numerous acne treatments available, AviClear is garnering plenty of attention from those who suffer from mild to severe acne.

Laser Acne Scar Removal

Some people suffer from cystic acne, which can pose more problems than other common types of acne. Many patients and medical professionals alike are pleased to know that AviClear can significantly improve cases of cystic acne. This is a relief for both sides, as many laser treatments in the past didn’t manage cystic acne conditions very well.

Once again, this will require more than one AviClear treatment before results start to show themselves, but many people can feel relieved knowing they have a viable solution for their cystic acne. The effectiveness of this treatment will also look different based on the severity of each patient’s skin condition.


It’s understandable to be curious if AviClear laser treatments are right for you, and it’s quickly becoming the treatment of choice for many people suffering from cystic acne.

Is Acne Scar Laser Treatment Permenant?

When it comes to the cost of AviClear laser treatment, remember that pricing can vary heavily based on your location and doctor. Consider the treatment a financial investment towards significant improvements of acne. As far as acne treatment goes, AviClear is an excellent option for mild to severe cases of acne.

If you need clarification on whether the treatment is right for you, contact your dermatologist for recommendations. A consultation will allow them to take a look at your skin and provide you with professional insight on the best course of action regarding AviClear treatments. It may not be a solution for everyone, but it’s a safe and effective option for many.

It should also be noted that AviClear is considered a cosmetic treatment by insurance companies, and insurance more than likely won’t cover the cost of your treatments.

Fractional Co2 Laser Resurfacing For Acne Scar Correction

AviClear comes with many positives, one of which is being able to help reduce the formation of acne scars. It won’t be able to eliminate scars that are already present, but it’ll surely help you avoid the formation of new ones. The results from AviClear offer benefits on multiple fronts.

By treating active acne and successfully preventing future breakouts, you encounter less scarring on the surface of your skin. The treatment is known to have a high success rate over many other acne treatment options, especially when it comes to minimizing future breakouts.


Acne scars can form in all shapes and sizes, and the first step you want to take is to prevent additional scarring. AviClear has proven to be a top choice for many patients looking to avoid further scarring from their current acne condition.

Fotona 4d Acne Treatment

Our goal here at The Dermatology of Institute of Boston is protect the health of our patients and staff. To continue caring for our patients during these uncertain times, while strictly adhering to the guidelines set by the CDC, we will be only offering virtual consultations. For some patients, an in person visit is best, but if you feel that your concern could be addressed online, this may be a convenient option for you.If you experienced acne at any point in your life, you might be left with some frustrating acne scars. Metro Dermatology in Elmhurst, NY can help you blast your scars into the past with laser acne scar removal. This treatment is one of the most powerful and effective ways to achieve smooth, clear skin you want. Read on to learn more about how laser treatments can benefit your skin. 

Laser treatments for acne scars are a safe, technologically advanced means of improving the appearance of your skin. They use medical-grade, FDA approved light technology to clear your skin of cells that have been damaged by acne. They also activate your body’s natural healing process, stimulating the growth of new cells.

Yes! We understand that acne is a difficult condition to treat. So is the scarring it leaves behind. If you have won the battle against your acne, you are probably looking forward to finding a way to clear the scars it left behind. After all, when you pictured your beautifully clear post-acne skin, you probably weren’t imagining scars as part

Laser Treatment For Acne Scarring