Acne Skin

Acne is a common skin concern that affects many of us at different stages in life. Acne can present as whiteheads, blackheads, pustules or as more severe and painful cysts and is considered an obstructive disorder of the skin.

While some are lucky enough to experience only the occasional pimple, people who have severe or ongoing breakouts know that this skin concern may lead to low self-esteem and can really hit your confidence hard. The great news? If you suffer from acne, we’ve got a range of treatments and packages designed to combat this concern and help you towards the glowing skin and confidence you deserve!


Excess sebum (oil) production can be caused by several factors, the most common culprit being hormonal imbalance. This can be due to puberty, pregnancy, genetics or even stress. Other acne-contributing factors may include lifestyle, diet or incompatible skincare products.

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Acne occurs when bacteria enters the pores clogged by excess oil, dead skin cells and debris on the skin’s surface leading to inflammation.

Blackheads are caused by a build-up of sebum, dead skin cells and other impurities which clog the pore. When this build-up is exposed to air, it gets oxidised which results in the characteristic shade of black/ brown that give blackheads their name.

Whiteheads occur when dead skin cells, oil and dirt clog your pores. Unlike blackheads which can be pushed out, whiteheads are closed within the pore. Picking or popping whiteheads, while tempting, can introduce bacteria into the area and may lead to infection, more inflammatory acne and scarring. It’s best to leave extractions to the professionals.

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Pustules and cysts are at the more severe end of the acne scale. These are caused when bacteria gets into the clogged pores and inflammation and infection occurs. The pressure of this built-up sebum can cause cell walls to break down, leading to the infection spreading sideways underneath your skin.

At Australian Skin Clinics, we offer complimentary skin consultations with our highly trained skin experts who can help identify the type of acne you may have and recommend a skincare plan to suit you. Our dermal technicians focus on fighting the root cause of breakouts, combining in-clinic treatments with tailored home skincare recommendations to accelerate visible results and help you regain control of your skin.

Using the advanced Observ Skin Analysis technology, we can get to know your skin on a deeper level, identify your underlying concerns and let’s create a treatment and skincare plan for your best skin yet!

The Best Skincare Routine And Products To Get Rid Of Acne

Light Emitted Diode (LED) Light Therapy is a deep penetrating, soothing skin treatment ideal for improving skin health, treating active acne, overall skin rejuvenation, reducing the visible signs of ageing and boosting your skins healing response.

Lumixa treats inflammation, ageing and impaired skin barriers. If you’re looking for a non-invasive alternative to microneedling, this is it. At Australian Skin Clinics, we offer two Lumixa packages – Skin Normaliser and Collagen Booster to effectively target your skin concerns.

Our range of MediPeels target fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, pigmentation, pore size, oil production, redness, congestion and acne. MediPeels are an effective, non-invasive treatment that can help you on your way to smoother, healthier and rejuvenated skin!

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Microneedling is your go-to treatment for boosting collagen and elastin growth. This powerhouse treatment can help you tackle scarring, stretchmarks, acne, black heads, open pores, fine lines, hyperpigmentation and more.

At Australian Skin Cinics we offer three cosmeceutical grade skincare ranges in-clinic and can help to tailor a home skincare plan that suits your skin and budget!Acne is often associated with oily skin. So you may be surprised to know that a combination of acne and dry skin is common too.

Caused by the clogging of pores, acne can occur in people with dry skin due to varied reasons. Also, the treatments typically prescribed for acne will not always have the desired results in dry skin conditions.

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“Dry skin acne, inspite of sounding paradoxical, is a commonly occurring problem. Acne can trouble all kinds of skin at all ages. There are three steps to treating acne. These are exfoliation, moisturization and antimicrobial treatments.”

Acne in dry skin, although rare, is not uncommon. Tiny glands near the surface of your skin produce sebum, the excess of which can block your hair follicles. This in turn can trigger the development of whiteheads, blackheads, and other forms of acne.

Also, the lack of moisture in the skin can make it dry and scaly. The glands beneath your skin then produce excess sebum to combat this dryness. This, along with dead skin, can trigger acne.


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Your dry and acne-prone skin may have lower levels of ceramides (lipids present in the epidermis) [1]. These play a vital role in forming the skin's protective barrier[2]. When your skin barrier is not powerful enough to retain moisture and stop microbes like bacteria, fungus, etc., you may experience dry skin and acne.

As per Dr. Zeel Gandhi, Chief Ayurvedic Doctor at , “Dry skin acne, inspite of sounding paradoxical, is a commonly occurring problem. Acne can trouble all kinds of skin at all ages. There are three steps to treating acne. These are exfoliation, moisturization and antimicrobial treatments.”

“If not exfoliated correctly, dry skin can build up and clog pores. Use the right moisturizer for your skin. Resort to double cleansing by using oil and a mild exfoliating face cleanser. Oil helps dissolve the debris and dead skin, ” she adds.

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Excess oil production by hair follicles usually causes irritated and plugged follicles. This in turn causes bacterial infections, which are one of the main reasons for acne [3]. So, while oily skin is considered the main culprit, dry skin can also trigger breakouts in several ways. These are:

1. Genetic factors or growing age can cause dry skin [4]. Besides these, harsh weather conditions, skin conditions like eczema, keratosis pilaris, psoriasis, insufficient water consumption, etc., can also make your skin dry.

As your skin becomes dry, your body produces more oil to balance that. This excess oil can clog your pores, leading to acne.

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2. Extreme dryness can lead to cracks or flaky and peeling skin. Such skin becomes more vulnerable to infection from microorganisms due to a weak skin barrier. This, in turn, leads to increased breakouts.

Dr. Zeel says, “Use of heavy moisturizers or not moisturizing at all are the most common causes of acne for dry skin. Find a moisturizer that is just right for your skin type. A healthy cleansing routine and good moisturizer naturally balance the microbial growth on skin and prevent acne.”


4. Many people tend to use thick moisturizers during winter and dry seasons. But some hydrating components of these can be too rich for acne-prone skin. Also, certain ingredients may not be suitable for your skin type, thus clogging your pores [6].

How To Treat Acne Prone Skin

Note : Dry and acne-prone skin can be challenging to treat. While there are many over-the-counter skin care products and popular home remedies for oily skin, you need to choose carefully. A wrong home remedy, medication or therapy can worsen your skin condition by making it overtly dry [7]. How To Treat Acne On Dry Skin? Home Remedies 1. Keep your face clean:

Wash your face twice with a mild cleanser that cleans your face without drying it. However, avoid over-cleansing and use hot water for cleansing. These can dry your skin.

Washing your face with an abrasive product can further irritate the skin. Avoid excessive scrubbing or using a harsh scrubber, as it can make your acne worse.

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The American Academy of Dermatology recommends using gentle skin care products that are alcohol-free. Products like astringents, toners and exfoliants can irritate your skin and worsen acne.

Tip: You can apply tea tree or jojoba oil to reduce acne. Aloe vera and honey are two other beneficial ingredients to reduce acne without further drying your skin. Ayurvedic Methods

Some herbs and Ayurvedic medications can do wonders to cure your acne without further drying your skin. These common ingredients can help reduce your acne:

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Crush some fresh and clean tulsi leaves and apply the paste to your face. Leave it for 15 – 20 minutes and then rinse it off.


An antibacterial and antifungal ingredient, turmeric works great to prevent breakouts and pimples caused by bacteria. You can use turmeric paste to see the difference.

Applying the paste of neem leaves helps in treating pimples. Even washing your face with boiled neem leaves water can give visible results.

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It is an effective remedy for pimples. It helps balance tridosha (vata, pitta and kapha), detoxifies the whole body, fights against microbes, and helps in healing acne. To use, take one teaspoon of Triphala powder with hot water on an empty stomach every morning.

A few other ingredients that can help treat acne include the application of potato or papaya paste, consumption of white gourd juice, application of aloe vera gel, honey, lemon juice, etc.

For dry skin, spot treatment with topical medicine can be helpful in addressing pimples. You can use a targeted treatment with a potent dose of active ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide to reduce the symptoms.

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A study was conducted to compare the effectiveness of 2.5%, 5% and 10% benzoyl peroxide gel on acne. Results of the study