. . 18. Kuniyoshi . lang8 for learning for. Last week, mamisan asked a question about how to differentiate between appropriate english words that mean . Namely, when and for whom it is appropriate to use words from among wonderful, great, stunning, amazing, cool, and lovely. . . . . 6. 6 110.

. .

. . . . london columning. Facebook. . . Its really outstanding work! . . 22. ? Excellent . . greatawesome. Greatawesomeamazingvery goodvery great.

london columning. Facebook facebook . goo . ; The first sentence [beginning passageopening section] of the story; []; he is a good [bad] writer.He writes well [poorly]. " weblio. Weblio > > "" > "" . 18 nexsee. . goo . A sentence; writing; a composition; (a) stylethe first sentence [beginning passageopening section] of the story[]he is a good [bad] writer.He writes well [poorl 80. " weblio. Weblio > > "" > "" .

weblio. Weblio > > > . lang8 for learning. Last week, mamisan asked a question about how to differentiate between appropriate english words that mean . Namely, when and for whom it is appropriate to use words from among wonderful, great, stunning, amazing, cool, and lovely. 90. Awesome90. goo . ; The first sentence [beginning passageopening section] of the story; []; he is a good [bad] writer.He writes well [poorly]. . image results. More images. . . Its really outstanding work! . . . .

50 tabippo [. Menu . 331. 110. . . (. . greatawesome . Great awesome amazing very goodvery great .

" weblio. Weblio > > "" > "" . " weblio. Weblio > > "" > "" . . . 6. 6 110. 5. .